COMPOSTING WITH WORMS What’s your favorite animal? I love worms. Yes, really. Next to snails, they are my favorite land creature. They’re fascinating and, even with how underappreciated they often are, worms do a lot for us and we can learn so much from them. Worms teach us that no matter how small we may…Read Full Post
Author: Contributed by Carissa Marks
Carissa’s background is in social and environmental justice with a focus on sustainable food access through outreach. She finds joy in engaging communities by using public gardens as educational tools to combat food insecurity. In addition to positively conveying the importance of a plant-based lifestyle, Carissa enjoys sharing interesting facts and trying to change perspectives about creatures that people often find “disgusting”, like snails and worms! She lives in the DC area with her husband, two children (ages 13 and 10), and their amazing, albeit smelly, rescue dog.
Conscious Gardening with Children
As parents, guardians, and educators, teaching children about where the food we eat comes from is essential to ensuring the next generation’s ability to make ethical and healthy decisions in the short and long term. Communities continue to spend less time engaging with food systems in concurrence with technological evolution, and as a result, so…Read Full Post